




講座の内容は、AI関連、半導体システム技術、ソフトウェア工学などの先端のIT関連の講座を軸に座学と実習の講座を提供しております。また、日本語の学習方法や就業後の情報なども講義対象になります。講師は当社の講師陣とグループ会社のARS Vietnamの講師陣、また特別講師にも一部の講座を委託しております。講座は1コマあたり90分です。講座の資料はすべて英文で、英語による講義となります。講義数は約50コマで、7月から11月の間に講義を展開します。

"Goal setting and method for acquiring Japanese language skills in Technical business in Japan"
Overview of AI Technology Application
Overview of Semiconductor System Technology and Application
Application examples of embedded system technology in Japan
AI & Computer Vision applications
AI image recognition example
"「ベトナム日系IT関連企業の就業の実際」""The reality of working for Japanese IT companies in Vietnam"
Overview of Embedded System Technology and its Development Environment
An example of AI for Traffic Monitoring
Individual interviews, expectations for this education, and overall QA
- Introduction to course, plan of the program
- Introduction to projects in ARS
Fundamentals of Software Development (session-1)
- Software Design (SD) Introduction: Software Development Life Cycle
Fundamentals of Software Development (session-2)
- Requriement Analysis: Role, Requirement modeling, understanding of Requirment specifications
Fundamentals of Software Development (session-3)
- Implementation: Coding style, Defensive Programming, Clean code
Object Oriented Program (OOP):
- Class and Object: Concept, Declaring (class, field, methods)
- Inheritance and Interface
Data structures and Algorithms (DS&A):
- Recursive algorithms, Backtracking algorithms
- Sorting: Insertion Sort, Selection Sort, Bubble Sort, Quick Sort, Heap Sort
Introduction to AI/ML (session-1)
- Definition of AI, types of AI
- Some concepts of ML and DL
Introduction to AI/ML (session-2)
- Some concepts of ML and DL (cont.)
- Process of AI development
Introduction to AI/ML (session-3)
- Process of AI development (cont.)
- Basic maths
Introduction to AI/ML (session-4)
- Types of ML: supervised, unsupervised, regression, classification…
- Supervised Learning: Linear Regression, Gradient Descent
Machine Learning (1):
- Basic Supervised-learning algorithms: Logistic regression
Machine Learning (2-1):
- Basic Supervised-learning algorithms: SVM, KNN, Decision Tree
- Practices
Machine Learning (2-2):
- Basic Unsupervised-learning algorithms: Clustering (Kmean, Spectral), Dimension reduction (PCA)
- Practices
Machine Learning (3):
- Neural Network (MLP, backpropagation)
Advanced ML techniques (1)
- K-Fold
- Bias vs Variance, Learning curves
- Model selection
Advanced ML techniques (2)
- Ensemble method
- Transfer learning
Computer Vision problem (1)
- Digital image (Concepts, Basic image processing algorithms)
Computer Vision problem (2)
- Digital image (Concepts, Basic image processing algorithms) (cont..)
- Practices
Computer Vision problem (3)
- Image classification with MNIST: NN on image data
Deep Learning (DL-1):- Convolutional Neural Nets (CNN)
Deep Learning (DL-1):
- Advanced CNN nets: Introduce other popular CNN nets: VGGs, ResNet, MobileNet
講師はすべてARS グループの幹部
AI image recognition technology and business trends in Japan
AI image recognition technology and business trends im Vietnam
AI image recognition in practice
Issue assignments and conduct group learning
Practical application of AI application systems
“Confirmation of suitability and actual employment activity at Japanese companies for science & Technology students”
Group Hands-on training(1)
Group Hands-on training(2)
Group Presentation of Hands-on training(グループ発表と講評)
Review of the entire lecture and Q&A
Look back of the this courses and discuss next courses(ベトナム語での個人面談含む)